Contact Empower
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. ET

Virtual Welcome Package
Below are documents that make up our current AGMA Retirement Plan Welcome Package. Please feel free to view these documents, and save them for your own records.
AGMA Retirement Plan Summary Plan Description
AGMA Retirement Plan Summary of Material Modifications Made March 2022
Beneficiary Information

Registering Your Empower Retirement Account
If you have not already done so, below are steps to register your retirement account.
In order to first access your retirement account, your contact information needs to be up to date with the AGMA Funds office. If you think your information is outdated, or if you’ve already followed these steps and cannot log in, please fill out an electronic consent form and send it to
After the Funds office receives your form and updates your information, it can take up to 3 business days for the information to be updated within Empower’s database. You can then follow the steps below:
- Click the button above to the Empower Member Log In
- Click the “Register Now” button under the New User? heading.
- Enter in your zip-code, date of birth, and last four of your SSN.
- It will then prompt you to begin setting up your account by changing your password and adding extra identification steps, and then you will have access to your retirement account.
Retirement Planning
Your guide to retirement planning! Learn about financial wellness insights and tips, connect with a retirement counselor, and explore tools to help you navigate your road to retirement. There are free events hosted by Empower, as well as a free virtual session you can attend with a retirement counselor. Also available are calculators and tools for you to use, all on the Empower Your Retirement website.
Electing a Beneficiary
If your designated beneficiary has changed or if you have not yet elected a beneficiary, please fill out the Beneficiary Designation Form, and then send back to us at
Retirement Withdraws and Rollovers
To initiate a rollover or distribution, members will need to first call the Empower Customer Service number at 1-877-778-2100. Members will be directed back to the AGMA Funds Office if any information needs updating Please read the following standards to see if you’re eligible to rollover/withdraw your balance:
You are eligible to receive your benefits from the Plan:
- When you are no longer employed with an employer who contributes to the AGMA Retirement fund and you have gone 6 consecutive months with no employer contributions made on your behalf.
- When you retire.
- When you attain age 55 or older regardless or not of if you’re retired.
- When you become totally or permanently disabled at any age.
To read more details of these standards and the summary plan description of the retirement fund, please check out the AGMA Retirement Plan SPD.
If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us via this form:
AGMA Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
1099-R Forms
You can find your 1099-R form on your Empower Retirement Portal!
Once you’ve logged into your account, click the “My Documents” tab on the left side of your screen.

From there, you click “View All Documents”

A new window will pop up, and you can select the “Tax Forms” tab. Your 1099-R form will be there!