Reimbursement Plan
Formerly Plan B, the Reimbursement Plan allows members to obtain reimbursement for qualified medical expenses that members have paid for with their own individual accounts. Although AGMA Health Fund still has members who are active within the Reimbursement Plan, the plan is no longer open for new members to elect into, effective January 2018. Members who still have the Reimbursement Plan elected may continue on it until they no longer choose to – but once this happens, they may not rejoin said plan.
Members may elect to use their Reimbursement account to pay for their dental and vision premiums, should they choose to elect into those optional benefits.
Reimbursement Plan members can click the button below to view their reimbursement account balance, benefits paid out to you, and administrative expenses that are deducted from your account.

ASO: You Can Now Use Direct Deposit
ASO has rolled out a new feature in 2022 so you can receive your reimbursements faster. You can elect to have your reimbursement(s) money deposited directly into your bank account. To elect to have your reimbursement checks directly deposited into your account, log onto, enter your user name and password, and on the left banner under “Account” select “Update Direct Deposit” and enter your bank routing number, account number and account type.
Reimbursement Plan Forfeiture Fee Notice
One of the convenient features of the AGMA Health Fund Reimbursement Plan is that you have three (3) years to submit medical reimbursements to avoid the forfeiture fees. The AGMA Health Fund Reimbursement Plan Forfeiture Provision requires that contributions be used within three fiscal years (September 1 – August 31) of receipt(s). If contributions in your Individual Account remain unused for three (3) full fiscal years (September 1 through August 31) after employer contributions were added to your account, a portion of those monies are forfeited from your Individual Account and revert back to the general fund to help defray administrative expenses. There is a six-month claim filing grace period; in the context of the forthcoming forfeiture. Any qualified claims incurred by August 31, 2023 will be processed and applied to limit any potential forfeiture from your account if submitted to Administrator Services Only (ASO) by February 28, 2024.
Notices for at risk of forfeiture accounts are sent out in January and February of each year and account for the previous three fiscal years. Please see the most recent forfeiture notice posted below, accounting for contributions received before September 1, 2020 and not used before August 31, 2023.
We urge you to take advantage of the grace period if you have not already submitted all claims. Please do so by February 28, 2024.
Here are some examples of how the forfeiture fees may work.
ASO Contact Information
Administrative Services Only, Inc. (ASO)
P.O. Boc 9010 303 Merrick Road, Suite 300
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Click the links below for more details pertaining to the Reimbursement Plan.
Reimbursement Plan (Plan B) SPD
- To see what expenses qualify for the Reimbursement Plan, click the above link and go to page 9-12.